Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a little bit of background info..

This summer has been amazing! I have 7 friends out on missions (including my best friend elder taylor wilkins and my brother seth) I get uplifting and inspiring letters from them which amaze me, and make me so grateful for the incredible friends that I have. Seth comes home in 2 weeks!!!!! 13 days. I can't wait.

Me and my beautiful, talented, incredible, smart.........and endowed (what? haha) friend talyn went on a temple tour. We visited every Utah temple and did baptisms or confirmations for 598 people. Temples are the most beautiful buildings in the world, they are a piece of heaven on earth! many adventures were had on our trips like unforgettable ice cream, the poor herd of sheep we came across.... camping, and star trek!!! So FINE!

I became addicted to heroes, the TV show! WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T! that and one tree hill! My blog inspiring, beautiful haired, Hiro loving, hulu hating friend Kelsea and me made a tradition of watching heroes and dedicated ourselves to watching all 3 season this summer, 5 and a 1/4 episodes left..... haha rude, BUFFER.

BYU is great, go ART HISTORY!!!! I love ART! My goal is to travel all of Europe and see every piece of art that has inspired me, which is A TON! I could go on for days about art but that would probably bore you to tears.

I started a headband business! contact me if you want to buy any! help support my FIT fund! I am hoping to get them on etsy soon. I love beautiful things!

Dancing has been a favorite past time, but since i broke my foot I haven't been able too, rather depressing. I am healed...supposedly.. so I am hoping to find some time in New York with my 17 1/2 credit hours to dance. But I am in NYC to fulfill my dream of going to Fashion Design school at FIT! There is nothing more amazing than seeing your dream within your grasp and having the opportunity to hold on to it! New York City here I come!

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