Friday, September 9, 2011

science venting session.

I think I have a hard time with Science because...
I've never thought or cared or worried why..

1)Hot air balloons can rise and stay in the air.
2)Boats can float. (I don't care that the buoyant forces are perpendicular to the surface and that the weight of the boat weighs the same as the displaced water...) They float... and I'm fine with just that fact alone.
3)There is a difference in pressure between standing on flat feet or being on your toes. (ie. a 98 lbs woman rocking back on a spike of her high heel puts more pressure on the point of contact with the ground than an elephants broad feet...) weird.
4)That the Earth is pushing back on  me with the same force I'm exerting on it.... why does knowing that matter, and how does knowing help me?
5)You weigh different amounts in a moving elevator. Relevance? Who weighs themselves in an elevator?
6)That a fly and a train exert an equal force on each other when they smack into each other. Hmmm.. the fly dies... the train is unaffected. If the train isn't affected and no one cares if a fly dies then...why???
7)What all takes place as you jump.... JUST JUMP. I've never known and I'm fine.
8) Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.....

If I am fine without knowing all these things then WHY do I have to study them.

Sorry for all those who do like this stuff... I wish I were you cause...that would make this semester a WHOLE lot easier.

I understand that some science is good to know. But I really don't think it matters what gravity/air friction/forces/velocity/acceleration/etc. are all doing..... they just do it. Why do I need to understand why? Or maybe it's weird that I've never thought to care why?

I don't know. I'm tired. It is now 10:15 on Friday night and I am off to sleep.

Goodnight world. Hello bed.

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