Friday, April 6, 2012


This semester is killing me..

I am so done. I don't know if I can last the next two weeks. I just get so distracted, I am not productive, I don't want to do any studying, and I have no motivation. I read a paragraph in my book and then check my email, or blogger, or pinterest, or whatever I can come up with.

BUT at the same time... I guess all I do is homework. For instance I had a HUGE group project for my Advanced Writing (MCOM) class. It turned into being a nightmare. On top of working on it for the past couple weeks, Tay and I spent 5 hours on it on Wednesday night, and 10 hours yesterday not even researching but "simply" putting together the PowerPoint presentation, compiling the research into a nice report, and producing a handout for the class. Oh, and preparing/memorizing an oral presentation. Luckily it turned out great and went smoothly. Even though we both had to miss other classes to get it done, and basically fail our Finance assignment because we didn't have time to do it properly.

We treated ourselves to a large french fry at McDonald's afterward.

Now, it's almost finals. I have 4 scheduled finals. ALL ON THE SAME DAY. the FIRST day of finals. which also happens to be a Saturday. lovely. The other 2 are not scheduled.

FINALS WEEK. (reading days start Thursday, finals start Saturday)

Thursday: MCOM final part 1 due (writing portion)

8am-10am: Administer 231 Jazz Dance final
5:45pm: Marriage and Family final
8pm-10pm: MCOM final part 2
8pm-10pm: Art History final

so.. that doesn't work. MCOM has another section I can go to. 5pm-7pm.
that doesn't work either. Marriage and Family has another section I can go to. Tuesday at 3pm.

Awesome. only 2 of my finals I can actually take with my scheduled class.

I guess that is what you get for having 3 evening classes on Tuesday/Thursday

Monday-Thursday: Econ final and BusM 301 (Finance) final

Bring out the sour patch kids and Cadbury eggs.

Things to look forward to:
-Talyn is living with my family for a couple weeks (she moved in Sunday, I saw her basically for the first time last night) ha!
-I just applied for a scholarship for dancers who are not dance majors! 
-Emily is having a BRIDAL SHOWER tomorrow
-EASTER Sunday (my FAVORITE meal of ALL TIME-so excited)
-2 weeks until I get 4 months off. happy day.

Sorry for the rather depressing tone of this post. I will try to post another one soon that is more upbeat, positive, and worth-while! 

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