Thursday, September 20, 2012

Romney vs. Obama

Taylor sent me this email today:

"I found this brief summary of Mitt Romney's plan for the economy and job creation. Romney's site (under the "issues" section) is very nicely done. It lays out every single issue and exactly where Mitt Romney stands. I tried to find the same resources from Obama's website, but was unable to do so. Obama has an "issues" section, but all it does is simply show Obama's accomplishments and Romney's failures for each topic, not Obama's plan moving forward. I would like to see a detailed write up of Obama's plans for each major issue, just like Romney has on his website. Many would argue, "You can't find it on Obama's website because he doesn't have a plan!" But, I will allow you all to make that determination for yourself. Below are the links to Romney's and Obama's issue page on their websites:"



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