Avenia Bridal formed a new partnership with the company Beckett & Robb. I am SO excited about it because....
Beckett & Robb is AMAZING!!!!
They create custom suits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, for bringing European fashion to Utah! EVERY guy should own a custom suit, they are a work of art.
Beckett & Robb. Beautiful. |
Notice the DIFFERENCE??!!!!
New topic.
Remember how I said I am making Katie's wedding dress?? Well, I started cutting and sewing today!!! Since it is my first wedding dress I am going to post the process on here.. I think it'll be fun!
A couple weeks ago Katie came to me with two inspiration photos and I combined them into a sketch...
Luckily my mom was in NYC during this process so she got swatches of some fabrics for me at Mood and B&J. After discussing fabrics and other design details with Katie the design has changed a bit... The silhouette is still the same but the colors and fabric is different than the original inspiration. I haven't sketched up a new picture yet... but I LOVE the new design!
Today I found my slopers (general patterns) from FIT and broke out the skills I haven't used since I graduated over a year ago... I forgot how much I LOVE designing and sewing!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited to get back into it! My mind is just overflowing with ideas now of things I want to make!!!
After cutting out my muslin I set my dress form to Katie's measurements so I could create darts/princess lines that will hopefully be close to what Katie will need. Later tonight she is coming over so I can fit the muslin right to her body-so it can fit perfectly. I have never fit a real body before so... hopefully I do a good job because fit is EVERYTHING!!!
I only fit one side of the muslin, I then traced the lines to the other side that way the fit is symmetrical-this will change once it's on the body since bodies aren't symmentrical but it is good to start with a basic symmetrical fit. Once Katie's comes I will re-pin the areas that don't fit like the dress form and therefore rather than having the bodice fit a "perfect" form-it will fit Katie's perfect form!
dress form-basic fit |
I am getting my fabric from a supplier in LA and from B&J in NYC. Hopefully I will have that ordered so that it can be here at my house when I return from Lake Powell! (I will save the surprise of the new design and fabric for another day)
Remember this skirt??
When I saw it I fell in LOVE- for some reason it looked so familiar to me, I loved the fabric, and obviously the design is brilliant (neither of these pictures do it justice).....well today I found all my swatches from FIT and guess what???? I have a swatch of this SAME fabric that I must have gotten at Mood for some project!!!! Cool huh?
Some of my favorite
BHLDN wedding gowns.
and just because I LOVE J.Crew...
I am so ready for Fall clothes!!!