Thursday, February 28, 2013


Recent quotes in my inbox via my daddy and LDS Daily Messages:

"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about." - Dale Carnagie

We Love You--Please Come Back
"Love can overpower the undermining effect of selfishness. Love engenders faith in Christ's plan of happiness, provides courage to begin the process of repentance, strengthens the resolve to be obedient to His teachings, and opens the door of service, welcoming in the feelings of self-worth and of being loved and needed."—Richard G. Scott, "We Love You--Please Come Back", Liahona and Ensign, May 1986

Reverence for Life
"Yes, life is precious! No one can cuddle a cherished newborn baby, look into those beautiful eyes, feel the little fingers, and caress that miraculous creation without deepening reverence for life and for our Creator. Life comes from life. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It is eternal, as he is eternal." —Russell M. Nelson, "Reverence for Life", Liahona and Ensign, May 1985

Because He Came
"Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow. As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year. It is His example which, if followed, stirs within us more kindness and love, more respect and concern for others."—Thomas S. Monson, "Because He Came", Broadcasts, December 2011

Where Is the Pavilion?
"We want to see Jesus Christ now, but our certain reunion with Him at the judgment bar will be more pleasing if we first do the things that make Him as familiar to us as we are to Him. As we serve Him, we become like Him, and we feel closer to Him as we approach that day when nothing will hide our view."—Henry B. Eyring, "Where Is the Pavilion?", Liahona and Ensign, November 2012

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