Saturday, April 24, 2010


Food here is easy to come by, but when you are trying to save money and eat somewhat healthy, and live in a crappy dorm with a horrid kitchen it isn't so fun...

I have been sick of salads for awhile. Sometimes they make me physically sick too(cereal does it to me too, not fun since those are two of the easiest things to have) but since I am low on supplies and high on declining balance at the cafeteria I decided it had to be my lunch for the day... not really looking forward to it, but at least it would be healthy! To my surprise it turned out to be AMAZING!!!! So delicious!

Spinach, carrots, and red beans (from the caf, they don't have a very good selection so I usually take it home to spice it up)
mango, walnuts, grapes, cucumber, chicken and Brianna's poppy seed dressing.

I also found this little treat that was also surprisingly delicious, and actually pretty darn healthy.  It was my treat for the day since I am trying to cut down on them before my dance show... it isn't working too well..... I am trying though!

I am also still going strong on my 100 push-up/200 sit-up challenge, I tried to squeeze in hot yoga but honestly this semester I don't have 2 hours I can really spend there, sad but true. Also, I am trying to drink 100+ oz. of water a day. I started that Wednesday (ever since my cleanse I've been drinking tons of water but not this much, I have been winding down so I need a set number) and I have done it everyday so far!

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