I don't even know where to begin.... Maybe I'll try going by days and hopefully that will spark my memory of everything I wish I had time to write last week. A few things to start with. I love learning. I love fall (hopefully it becomes sweater weather soon-my closet is all ready for it). and I love BYU.

Sunday August 28th, 2011: Through the course of church meetings I had my journal open and was writing notes and inspirations down and I realized something that I always knew I just don't really think about too often.... I base my happiness too much on others. How they treat me, how they make me feel, how they feel towards me, etc... I don't choose MYSELF whether I am happy or sad-I let others influence my decisions. It is horrible really. I have so much to be grateful for-things that my Heavenly Father has given me, opportunities, talents, experiences, love. I have so many amazing things in my life-yet I mostly choose to dwell on my relationships with others-whether good or bad-to determine my mood. My goal this week is to try harder to not be affected by other people-to focus on myself and the gifts I've been given that bring me joy and satisfaction.
Monday August 29th, 2011: First day of Fall 2011 semester. I love a new school year. My first class is at 8am-Physical Science. Not really my best or favorite subject.. It will probably be my hardest one.... 9am-Statistics. Doesn't seem too exciting but... I think I should be fine at it. 11am-Doctrine and Covenants. I AM SO EXCITED for this class. My teacher seems AWESOME and I know I am going to learn SO much, I cannot wait! 2pm-Entrepreneurship Lecture class. Easy and interesting. Should be insightful. 3pm I went home and organized my life until 10pm (yes it took that long to read all the syllabi-write up my calendars-schedule my days and so on). I am VERY organized when it comes to school and I take it very seriously. I LOVE IT. My schedule is going to be rather.... scary. I scheduled every hour between 6am - 10pm, Monday-Thursday and 6am - 7pm on Friday and I am left with a grand total of 26.5 hours a week for homework/nap/free/blog/schedule/me time. Good luck right. HA I don't believe that is enough time for all the things I'll need to get done but I have faith. It is going to be a busy/stressful semester. If you want to hang out... I'll be available Friday and Saturday after 7pm...hopefully.
Tuesday August 30th, 2011: Since parking is a nightmare, my mom drops me off on campus after she drops off Bain @ 8am. Since my class isn't until 9:30 on T TH I have time to workout and plan my Jazz class. Today was my first day teaching. We didn't actually dance today we just went over the syllabus, I felt so professional. I am really excited about using my talents for good. I am the kind of person who takes time and tries to be the best at things..... I can tell that is what I will be trying to do with my Jazz class. Lucky students! 12pm I had Human Development-I have been told by numerous people that I NEEDED to take this class from Larry Nelson and I can't wait. People say he changes lives! 4pm ISYS 201. Information Systems... probably won't be my favorite class but I get to learn how to build a website and study HTML which I am excited about. 7pm BEST 1.5 HOURS OF MY LIFE. Massage at Remedez by Amber. I know I mentioned her a few months ago when I had my last massage because SHE IS AMAZING. I recommend her to everyone. She really is the best masseuse I have EVER had. While she works on you she talks to you to try and understand you and your body and why certain areas are tighter than others. She works emotion and energy into the massage and releases not only physical tension but emotional as well. She knows her stuff and I love it!!! I really leave her feeling 1,000 pounds lighter. I have decided that massages help me more than anything else and so I am going to take care of my body and treat myself to a monthly massage. I feel it is worth it and that it is truly the best thing I can do for myself.
Wednesday August 31st, 2011: Does anyone want to tutor me in Physical Science??? Because seriously.. I need it. The homework load for this class is reading 3 chapters a week, doing 1 homework assignment a week, and having 4 midterms along with a final. YIKES. Stats requires about 2 assignments a week and reading our textbook online in preparation for each class. Doctrine and Covenants is obviously reading the book along with a D&C student manual that gives further insight (which I LOVE) we also have to write in a journal every time we read (I am sure many thoughts will be posted on here from my readings). 2pm I went to Avenia Bridal for work. Then I came home, made myself a very exciting and nutritious dinner, and did homework.

(I felt like I was at FIT again. Turkey and cheese, tomatoes, olives, celery with natural nut butter and raisins, cottages cheese with blueberries and peaches, Bolthouse Green Machine drink, and 2 tootsie rolls-I'm pretty sure this is the most random and well rounded meal ever.. ha)
Thursday September 1st, 2011: I taught dance for the first time! AND IT WAS AWESOME. I had so much fun, I was so nervous but everything went really well! My Human Development class is another "read the entire textbook" class but I think it should be interesting. For I SYS (which I only have on Tuesday) we have a textbook and a packet that we have to read (basically I am going to read my brains out this semester..... ) I went into Avenia at 4. I came home beat. The days have been long and tiring. I decided that I really will need to make time for myself this semester to keep me sane. Along with my massages I'll be working out, dancing, and I think I am going to buy a Yoga membership. I hate spending money but I think Yoga and massages will be very beneficial to my heath and well-being.
Friday September 2nd, 2011: Was TALYN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Yahoo, 21! Also, MEGAN MILLER MONCUR transferred to BYU and is in my Physical Science class.. YAY!! It'll be so good to see her 3 times a week. After stats I went to the morning shift at work (10-2) so that I would be done in time for TALYN'S 21st BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! I came home, got ready, (my mom was so kind to do the work I was assigned to do for me... aka making oreo balls, banana pudding, and altering Talyn's dress) and headed up to the PARTY! The theme was James Bond-Diamonds are Forever. We all got dressed up, mingled, played games, won prizes, drank mocktails, and then watched an outdoor movie. PICTURES TO COME! After all the festivities I was helping clean up when I realized I lost my keys.... I thought maybe Sy had put them in his pocket and drove off with them on accident... but nope... I searched the grass in the dark and FINALLY found them. THANK GOODNESS! Oh, what an eventful night. I got to be with all my besties; Talyn, Katie, and Emily and sit on an Aston Martin (like I said-pictures to come!).
Miss TWNETY ONE and me.. |
Saturday September 3rd, 2011: I had work 9:45-3, I had a MASSIVE headache...but had homework to do, so I took my meds and headed to the dungeon (what I call the Library-there is no reception down there so I find that it is an appropriate term). The dumb policy at BYU for returning books is lame... I had to return a book because the professor switched it last minute but FRIDAY was the last day to return books for a full refund. SO I only got 80% back on my un-used book. AND they didn't even have the new book I needed in stock-so I'm still textbook-less. I slaved away (along with a total of 2 other people-apparently doing homework on Saturday evening isn't a popular thing to do... haha who knew?!) until about 7:30 when I decided that I had enough. My daddy took the family out to dinner at the newly remodeled Riverside Country Club. It is BEAUTIFUL!!! Then I had some girl time with Emily-eating Talyn's left over cake and watching School of Rock on TV. (Connection-Talyn and I have been friends since elementary school. I met Katie and Emily at FIT. Talyn met Katie and Emily at my birthday party. Talyn and Emily now are roommates at Alpine Village. and Katie's fiance Daren knew Talyn when she went to UVU... small world huh!-long story short, we're all friends now and I basically spend a lot of my time at Talyn/Emily's apartment (I actually almost moved in with them.....saving money got the better of me though).
Sunday September 4th, 2011: Church was good and inspirational. Sunday's are a breath of fresh air for me, I love them. I don't have church until 1pm so I had time for a lot of personal study this morning which is the best way to start off a day. One thing we talked about in Relief Society were the gifts of the Spirit (Doctrine & Covenants 46) I recommend reading that chapter and really pondering about what gifts you've been given and which ones you want to work on and receive. In Sunday School we talked about giving our self to the Lord-Christ did so and we must do the same. He is the only way we can receive comfort and strength. We must RELY on God and choose Him, He is the only one who can bring us true peace and joy. I was reading a conference talk during the Sacrament and loved this quote by Thomas S. Monson "Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and susatin us, it will bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments." (that was probably slightly paraphrased). The main topic throughout all the lessons today was to be grateful for TRIALS, for a change of heart, for patience, for suffering. All good things come in time. Trials refine us and give us knowledge and strength. The Lord will provide the right path and the right time and if we follow Him all things will be for our benefit and happiness.
Well now that I have bored you to TEARS.....
I just needed to get everything down. I promise posts won't continue to be so long and boring!