This weekend was amazing, i basically hung out at the church Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We had a big institute conference...that means a lot of singles... and when combined with Katie, Emily, shoes, and myself equals many hilariously awkward stories and a good time! Every part of this conference was perfect, the speakers were all so great and i really grew so much!
Friday night, 'a night of remembrance'
Since it was Sept. 11 we had a sort of memorial session. I've obviously felt sad about the events of 9/11 but it had never really hit home to me cause i was so little, so far away, and really had no connections to anyone who was affected. The man who spoke changed my whole perspective and the events from that day take on a whole new meaning. This man worked on Wall Street, just a couple blocks away from the Towers. I wish i could tell you the story of that day through his words cause he was simply mesmerizing. I felt like i was next to him experiencing the event, the ashen ground, the crowds of running screaming scared people, the hopelessness that was all around. All the miraculous stories of Christ's intersection with the lives of many that were saved. Along with the horror of the day's events I was able to also feel the peace that was felt by those who understand the gospel.
Here are a few notes and some of my thoughts about what was shared...There is a time and a purpose for all things in life. It is ultimately up to the Lord, all we must do is TRUST in Him, and choose the right. Our safety lies in the virtue of our lives. "Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world." The one who overcame the world is our guardian, our teacher, our FRIEND. Remember that Christ can calm the sea, He is all powerful. If He is on our side, we can do anything. He loves us and can calm the troubled waters in our lives. We will have opposition, but we need to have peace, have faith, and remember our JOY lives with our trust in Heavenly Father. Remember that there will never be a better day than today and remember that no burden is too heavy for the Savior.
Since the temple finally opened (it has been closed for cleaning since i've been here) I went this morning! It was so PERFECT. I love the temple, I love the feeling of angles surrounding you, the peaceful feeling that can only come from being in the Lord's house. I got to join in on a youth group of kids who spoke Spanish. Everything was translated into Spanish and many of the prayers were in Spanish and it just made me feel so grateful that the gospel is true in every language, that the Spirit can be felt in any language, by anyone who has an open heart. It is also the language that Seth, Taylor, Brick, Gavin, and Greg were all called to teach the gospel in, so i have a special connection to it.
Saturday evening they had some workshops, dinner, and a dance...
Haha just fyi for if you ever come to a NY singles ward activity...the biggest pick up lines from guys tend to revolve around your shoes.... haha so if you are into that sort of thing then wear shoes that can be easily commented on, but also know that even if they aren't easy to comment on the guys will find a way to make it work. haha. I won't go into detail since I think every example (and yes there are 7) are the type of stories that you had to have been there to understand. But between me and Katie we honestly had 7 different experiences, different guys.... and honestly I have never laughed so hard in my life as i did this weekend. IT was GREAT! Also if you want guys to be able to talk to you easily give them a reason to, like getting up in testimony meeting your 2nd week at church...." Hey you are the new girl right, the one in Fashion school, you bore your testimony last week!" ya bad idea bree. haha cause the whole-guys talking to me thing- is not high on my priority list. Although I do have to admit it was well worth it cause of the many hilarious conversations haha. i did meet some really great people though and it really was so fun. Plus I got to know Katie and Emily better cause we now share so many great stories together. If you want details you can call!!! I'll be more than happy to tell you.
Mostly we just tried to avoid awkward conversations but they seemed to follow us. We spent the dance sitting in the hall laughing and talking with some other people in our ward and enjoying the beauty of a singles dance! haha. Basically we met a lot of interesting, funny, awkward, and awesome people this weekend.
Sunday. Sacrament meeting, Testimony meeting
If you ever need to feel of the Saviors love, if you are ever in doubt read the words of the hymns; 'I Stand All Amazed', 'The Lord is my Light', 'I Know That my Redeemer Lives', 'Come Come Ye Saints', or "I Believe in Christ'. I've read the words to 'I Know That my Redeemer Lives' a thousand times but the second verse this time really stuck out to me. Jesus Christ lives FOR US, INDIVIDUALLY, that is his soul purpose.
HE LIVES to grant me rich supply
HE LIVES to guide me with his eye
HE LIVES to comfort me when faint
HE LIVES to hear my soul's complaint
HE LIVES to silence all my fears
HE LIVES to wipe away my tears
HE LIVES to calm my troubled heart
HE LIVES all blessings to impart
WOW we should always go to the Lord cause that is why He is here, my favorite lines are that He wants to calm us, to hear our complaint, to wipe our tears. He wants to be a significant part of our lives. He lives to be our soul redeemer, our strength, our comfort, and most importantly our kind, wise, heavenly FRIEND.
One of the speakers talked about the spiritual gravity that fills our lives just like the physical gravity does. We are always being pulled down by gravity (gravity being both physical gravity and the adversary). to stay in motion there must be a constant force pulling in the other direction, key word being CONSTANT. we must be consciously engaged in a good cause. We must be active because Satan, like gravity, is always pulling us down, our force must be stronger.
Another thing I haven't put much thought into cause it was so long ago was that Christ lived on THIS earth. Think about it, think about how AMAZING that it. I knew it obviously but to really understand the reality of it is really overpowering. Also if you want to read an AMAZING book about Christ's life then you should read 'The Fishers of Men' series. Everyone should read that series sometime in their life, I read it this summer and it was truly incredible.
Be as nice to yourself as you are to others! Don't forget yourself. If you seek the light you will be the light. Don't measure your worth by one single event. We are each here for a reason, to impact others, we are each special. We are each individually worth enough for Heavenly Fathers only Son to lay down His life for us. One event doesn't change that. Own your life, if it is everybody else's fault you can't fix it. 'Fear not... for the kingdom is YOURS. The Savior will NEVER leave you alone. We are each his child.
I am a Pisces and we are "changeable" i never really believed that I was true to that part of my sign but I am defiantly realizing I am. The change of moving here has never affected me, the change of all my friends leaving on missions was never too hard, I have recently had many HUGE changes yet they haven't really been hard at all. I realized today that it is because no matter how many changes i have in my life I will always have at least one constant, the gospel. My Savior is my constant, with him by my side i can do anything, i can handle everything. Through out all the changes I have not cried, I haven't really even been sad, I have not ever felt alone. My love for this gospel will never change. The future is going to be perfect for ME. no matter what happens. I am so blessed to know that Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me.
'Christ is in the DETAILS of our life.' -Someone said that in Testimony meeting and i loved it so much!
Also this line struck me so hard, it is so simple yet so beautiful. " I believe in Christ, so come what may."
'Life is beautiful, this church is one big beautiful family.'
CES Fireside -Sister Dalton
"Return to Virtue" You matter, you were reserved to come to earth at this time in life. We aren't random, we were foreordained and prepared for this time, we were called and chosen. We all knew the plan before we came here, we all agreed with our Father, we all chose our path, it literally breaks my heart that so many people forget when they come to earth. In heaven they understood. Every single person here on earth knew the plan and chose to come to earth and yet so few of us were blessed to have the gospel in our earthly life. Be grateful for it. The missionaries are my heroes, be missionaries. We were all in heaven rooting for each other together, see others from a heavenly perspective, remember that we all grew up together in the pre-mortal life! We need to remind everyone of their worth, and we need to remember everyone's worth.
Smile you are a son/daughter of God. have a brightness of HOPE. Let Heavenly Father be your best friend and let the Holy Ghost be your constant companion. 'Reach out and take the masters hand, mine angels are round about you.'
Haha if anyone is still reading this i am so sorry it is so long. There was just so much good stuff that i heard this weekend and I needed to share it!