Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lord's Hand-Nov. 8, 2010

  1. A girl emailed me about checking out the apartment! YAHOO. Her lease is up in November though and she can't get in here until end of December so.... hopefully something works out. I would love to have this all settled so I could stop stressing out! 
  2. I planned 3 hours to study for my speech for class but as I was about 15 minutes into studying I got a phone call from work asking if I would come in early and that I could stay as long as I could... (11:15-5:30 rather than 1-5) how do you say no to money when you are poor living in NYC??? So I went. I am sales which means I have goals to meet and I don't normally cashier but we were way short on people and there were only 5 of us running the whole floor so I cashiered for my first 3 hours, I got on the floor for about 4 minutes and I helped a women who allowed me to meet my goal with one purchase! THANK GOODNESS. I only spent a total of 1.5 hours on the actual floor-the rest was spent cashiering/at meal/in a meeting. I only had 30 minutes to practice my speech rather than 3 hours but... I did fine, somehow I felt prepared and good. So... moral of the story is I saw the Lords hand all day with getting more hours, meeting my goal (which is a big one), and helping with my speech.
  3. BOTH of my friends called me back from yesterday when they didn't answer!!! 
  4. I had a better attitude today, a better day!

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