So.. as I was laying in bed last night for some reason my mind was just running and running over how many things I am grateful for, and how lucky I am.
It all started when I was thinking about these girls who I just gathered with last night for our 4th semi-annual cold stone get together.
On our FIRST ever cold stone gathering-Aug 2009 |
Being with them made me miss my friends and reminded me of all the amazing people who are a part of my life. I feel like I hardly ever make time for my girl friends and I really miss them. I used to see these girls DAILY for so many years of my life and now we hardly ever get together. Why is it so hard to maintain relationships once you grow up out of high school???? oh right.. everyone gets boyfriends/gets married. ha. Every time I get together with any of my friends it's like no time has passed but in reality it has been way too long. I hate that. But I really consider myself SO lucky to have so many amazing girls in my life. I want to see them more-my goal is to fight my instinct to just stay at home alone on the weekends and actually hang out with my girlies while we are all still living here.
Not only my experience in high school which brought me to my dancers but also my experience in NYC which brought me new friends and experiences that have really shaped who I have become. There were so many people in NYC that touched my life without either of us really realizing it at the time. There are people who I will never see again, and people who I will visit every time I am in the city-people from school, work, church, and dance who have opened my eyes to new perspectives and ideas that I am forever grateful for. It almost seems unreal that I even lived in NYC, yet it happened, and it was such an amazing learning and growing experience for me. On top of all the little blessings in disguise I have a few MAJOR blessings that really stick out to me and looking back makes me believe they were the main reasons why I was impressed to move to New York.
- Katie and Emily-My two new friends who became my support system and basically family when I lived there my first year. I don't think anything will ever break our bond that we formed and I know without a doubt they will be my good friends for the rest of my life.
- my FIT dance team. AH! I love them. I seriously miss it so much! The unexpected connections and friendships of dancers really just make me so happy! (back at the Dance Club and with my FIT team) There is something that comes with a dance team that cannot be replaced by anything else. I LIVED for dance team and I am SO blessed and lucky to be able to go back this spring to be in a few of the numbers for the FIT dance concert!! I am so excited to dance with my team one more time.
- More obviously-My degree in Fashion Design. I never thought I could learn so much or push through so many sleepless nights to get work done and truly love every minute of it. AND for the opportunity to go to EUROPE. It honestly feels like that was just a dream-but it happened. As a 20 year old I walked around the streets of New York, Paris and Milan alone and have truly fulfilled all of the dreams I had set for myself.
Katie and Emily-Spring Break 2010 |
FIT Dance Team 09-10/10-11 |
Graduation/FIT/Milan/Paris |
Other things I must mention in my gratitude post include
Talyn-My friend who doesn't fall under the category of dancer or new yorker. She has simply been my friend since 6th grade and I love her. She makes me happy-all the time. I admire her (she is graduating from BYU this Spring and she has more self discipline that anyone I know).
Temple Tour-Summer 2009 |
Naturally my Family-we all know how much I love them. I continually brag about their accomplishments daily. Nothing compares to the relationship I have with my parents and siblings (in-law included). I do recognize and realize our unique relationship (that fact that we all LOVE spending time together and don't fight or argue (anymore)) is not the case in every family and I don't take it for granted. I know how lucky we are to get along so well and I cherish it and am unbelievably grateful for it. To me-my family is one thing... perfect.
Seth and Jenn's Wedding. Our new family-Aug 2010 |
A few non-people related things including; my ability and love of designing and sewing, my ability to dance (including gymnastics and The Dance Club for my strength and technique), the fact that I truly love and enjoy school and learning, that I've found my passion, the opportunities that I have been given, the choice of future career paths I have, the fact that I am excited for a future family some day (many years from now) with children who I get to spoil and love.
My beliefs. My Church-the comfort it brings me and the peace of mind and direction I receive from the knowledge I've gained while studying the gospel and coming closer to my Savior and my Heavenly Father. (There is a link on my sidebar "I'm a Mormon-I believe" that has a more in-depth description of my beliefs.) I truly believe that my happiness all links back to my belief in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The truth of this gospel provides strength and light into my life which in turn brings me so much joy.
Salt Lake City Temple |
And of course I am grateful for my best friend who is amazing and is a perfect example to me. He gives me so much strength and knowledge, he makes me happy and I am so blessed by his light and love.
Elder Wilkins-New York City |
Thank you to everyone who has helped me along this journey of life so far. I've only lived 10 days shy of 21 years and I already feel like I have accomplished so much-all because of my friends, family, and ultimately the blessings I have received. I love my life, who I am, and where my life has taken me. I am full of gratitude as I ponder the events that have brought me to where I am today.