Tuesday, February 15, 2011

waking up early...

REALLY does pay off.

Remember when I said HERE that I would start waking up earlier and setting aside time to study/ponder more... Well I haven't done it... up until yesterday! At church on Sunday my mentor and friend was giving me some advice which included the SAME EXACT idea that I heard in the devotional weeks ago but had yet to apply to my life.. I figured hearing it twice was enough for me-I really need to get on it and make a change. So I did. AND I've already seen results. I woke up early to start my new morning routine and I wasn't even tired ALL DAY. Even though I was at school straight from 9-9. I also did my accounting homework in HALF the time and therefore got two assignment lesson quizzes done instead of just the one I planned for the day. I finished all my homework (even with my hour I took up blogging yesterday) and even had time for EXTRA homework..that NEVER happens! I know how long things take me and how much time I need to plan for them and I was shocked at how quickly I picked up the material and completed my assignments. I even got to bed at 11 so I could get 8 hours of sleep... again-that never happens. Finally to top it off-when I woke up again this morning I saw this outside my window! (The picture doesn't do it justice!-it was the brightest orange I've ever seen.)
Happy Tuesday!

And these cute things made my day yesterday! Along with all the guys I saw walking out of the BYU bookstore with flowers and chocolate! 

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