Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I've been extremely stressed lately. Like my to-do list is 7 excel documents long - divided by category. And it grows and grows and grows.

For example. Here is how Taylor and I spent our weekend.

Friday: "Date Night" - I asked if we could change date night to Saturday to tackle my Cutting Fashion tasks that I needed to do before Saturday. So after work we ate Taco Bell in the Wilk then worked in the library on miscellaneous tasks on our to-do lists. (7:30-11:00pm)

Saturday: After a long (9am-4pm) Cutting Fashion meeting I met with Taylor in the library to tackle our lovely lists until the BYU game at 7.

Sunday: Luckily church is at a great time (9:30am) so when I got home I had the rest of the day to..you guessed it..tackle the to-do list. Taylor came for dinner at 5, we then went back to his house and worked some more. It wasn't until 11pm that we shut down our computers to relax for an hour (watching Ghost Adventures).

Monday: After yoga and kneaders breakfast with Emily it was sew sew sew/pattern pattern pattern for Cutting Fashion - finally a day to get some sewing done. All looks are due this Saturday. At 7 we went to Amber's (my massage therapists)  play she is in at the Echo Theater - Side Show.

So to get to what this post is really about... I had my monthly massage today and Amber reminded me of something that I haven't been doing that will really help. She reminded me to put my burdens/my to-do lists/my heavy load on the Lord and let Him help. To let him know my will and then rely on His will when the inspirations come. Since I only know a miniscule amount about my life and future compared to my Heavenly Father - it makes sense to trust Him with the things that I am struggling to accomplish right now in my life due to too many tasks/goals and not enough time. Everything on my lists are GOOD things, wonderful things that I want to accomplish and do. But I need divine help. The Lord is always willing and wanting to help lighten our load and make life a little bit easier from time to time. He wants my success and happiness and with Him I can truly have both of those things.

Thanks Amber for the best massages on the planet and for all your helpful advice.

1 comment:

  1. wow. that does sound like a lot...but better to be busy than to be bored.

