Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The LORD Loves Me.

I am being sent two angels this weekend who are bringing TWO big suitcases for me to fill so I don't have to send as many boxes home to move! The most amazing couple from my home ward are coming to the city this weekend and are bringing 2 empty suitcases for me to pack which they will fly home for me! SO amazing. I am so grateful for my Lord, and His loving servants the Thompson's. I cannot thank them enough!

Oh and did I mention-I am not just sub-leasing my apartment to someone for the rest of my lease I am actually selling it to her so I will be completely off the lease and will not have to worry about any of it! Such a miracle and blessing.

Things are really starting to come together.

I have been given the gift of meeting so many people here in the city that I will miss terribly. They have blessed and changed my life and I am so grateful for all the opportunities I've been given while living here in NYC. I wish I could be in two places at once.....

Giving in my 2-weeks notice on Monday was the hardest thing ever. I will miss all my managers and my co-workers. I was just getting close with some of them and actually having fun closing because of the opportunity to talk and be with some amazing people. I will defiantly miss all the religion break room chats and being called "Utah." J.Crew has been good to me. My closet will miss it, my wallet will not! haha

I have been given the experience of dancing on the FIT dance team with some of the most talented and amazing people there are. Each member of my team brings something different-laughter, style, love, happiness, motivation, talent, fun, beauty, technique that all combine to produce perfection. There is nothing I wouldn't give for the opportunity to dance with them again. I literally am depressed when I think about not being able to next semester! I have grown so close to all of them and I don't want it to end (you will all just have to come out to Utah and visit me (and whenever the day comes-you are all invited to my wedding! haha)) Seriously nothing gave me more happiness than coming to dance every Tuesday and Sunday! You mean more to me than you know! You gave me the opportunity to DANCE again and I will forever cherish the year and a half I got to live in your influence and grow as a person, a dancer, and a team.

Manhattan has given me SO much and I will truly miss it with my whole heart!  Only 2 weeks left.

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