I am reading this book, my mom sent it to me, it is called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It is really good! I enjoy reading a few chapters in the morning to get me going. I wish I could read all day because I do LOVE reading but... sewing comes first.
I finally started my gown... I didn't do the part I am stressing about, I did the easy part, the bodice. There is going to be a TON of detail work added to it but... this is the shell of it. It isn't pressed at all or clipped or anything so just know it WILL be prettier and lay better when it is done.
Here is the beginning of the cutting out process, with my patterns
This is the shell from the inside showing boning which is sewn in to provide support because it is strapless
And here is the shell from the right side (again it isn't pressed at all so it will look better)
Valentino may be the death of me... (VALENTINO is what we call this project, because it is a design based on his work) Thankfully my mom sent me my BEAUTIFUL sewing machine. I forgot how slow home machines go.... but it is much nicer for detail work and ruffles! I set up my little work space in my kitchen and it is so nice! YAY for having the whole dorm to myself!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!
My fabric mishap yesterday ruined my whole idea I had in my head... Here are the new fabrics... which I don't love at all.... it is so PINK. Which is not my first choice in color, our class color theme is pink/corals/purples etc. and pink was the only fabric that somewhat worked together..... Hopefully it grows on me... I get a little nauseated when I walk past my fabric.. probably not a good sign haha. It'll be okay though... I just need to get it done at this point.
Here are my lovely meals for the day! Again, I had to break my cleanse a bit to add some milk (it expires tomorrow and I can't let it all go bad.. it is skim, so it is practically water... ya?)
All in all today was better than yesterday which is good! I am very grateful for that.
10 things I am grateful for...
-my family
-my mommy and her patience and love while I call her about 10 times a day
-healthy food
-my dear friends
-my love for sewing
-spring break
-my loving Heavenly Father
-washing machines and dryers
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
every high must be followed by a low right????
well my WORK WORK WORK... is not going well.... AT ALL..............
and I am not liking it, but... I am the one being lazy so it is completely my fault and yet, even though I need to work... I don't. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that there is no motivation because who on earth does work during spring break. Everyone else in my class is home, enjoying their friends and family... and I am here in my room, enjoying my cozy bed that I never want to leave.
Okay okay I am not quite that lazy.. I ran a lot of errands yesterday (grocery shopping, getting Elder Wilkins his Easter goodies package ready) and cleaned my whole dorm but the bottom line is... I haven't done anything on my gown... NOTHING. The only thing I have done is stress....AND it gets worse. I went to mood today to get my fabric and the swatches that I picked out look a lot different in big quantities, and I HATED IT! The colors didn't work the way I wanted them to.. So I had to find new fabrics, I still don't love them, AT ALL and honestly I am doubting my design now and I just don't know what to do. PLUS I was flustered in mood and ending up not thinking perfectly and messed up on some of my yardage... Basically I am just falling apart haha. Did I mention it's been POURING all day, both yesterday and today so errands aren't fun.......
SO I did buy my fabric and I am just HOPING it turns out okay. The other fabric store I needed to stop at was closed so I tried a different one....closed too. SO I can't even buy the rest of the stuff I need to even start on anything tonight. So, another day gone, in relation to VALENTINO.
HOPEFULLY tomorrow my head will be screwed on a little tighter and I'll be able to work through all the little mishaps and get started on this gown. AND more importantly HOPEFULLY I like it............... ugh. It is just a little frustrating because we have to work harmoniously with a teacher and a critic on this gown so I feel like it isn't even completely ME anymore, I know they are just trying to help but.... It just gets a little annoying. EVERYONE has different taste, there is not one piece of clothing that everyone in the world will look at and like, and let me just say that my teacher and the critic are on COMPLETELY different sides of the spectrum when it comes to what they like. Trying to please two completely different people (because they both matter) who have completely opposite opinions PLUS trying to stay true to yourself is a bit nauseating. AND the idea that whoever is choosing the gowns will have a new completely different taste... it is just a big pile of opinions and guesses on who will get in... I wish it was like math, with one right answer...
Oh and.. I am trying a body cleanse this week to get all the junk out of my system from the weekend. Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, some Grains, and LOTS of water. (this was my lunch)
I LOVE FOOD, so it is a struggle for me. I mean I LOVE Veggies, Fruits, and Nuts and everything but I also love other food with it. I actually broke the cleanse slightly with this lovely dinner (I added some cottage cheese/yogurt). I figure as long as it is healthy it should be okay because I don't know how anyone does a legit cleanse for a whole week, personally I AM STARVING! So, I think I am going to gradually add healthy other foods into the cleanse.
And here is one of my snacks.. (I am posting pictures because that is my only motivation to keep going! If I wouldn't be proud of a picture, I am not going to eat it until next week!)
I think I am drinking too much water....haha I don't think my body has EVER had this much water in me before. BUT hopefully I will feel amazing come Saturday.
PS I am so excited for conference!!!!!
PPS I am so so so so so so sad I am missing my favorite holiday, EASTER! I want to be at home for this holiday so bad! The food, the hunt, everything. I am just so glad that I have conference to keep me company!
well my WORK WORK WORK... is not going well.... AT ALL..............
and I am not liking it, but... I am the one being lazy so it is completely my fault and yet, even though I need to work... I don't. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that there is no motivation because who on earth does work during spring break. Everyone else in my class is home, enjoying their friends and family... and I am here in my room, enjoying my cozy bed that I never want to leave.
Okay okay I am not quite that lazy.. I ran a lot of errands yesterday (grocery shopping, getting Elder Wilkins his Easter goodies package ready) and cleaned my whole dorm but the bottom line is... I haven't done anything on my gown... NOTHING. The only thing I have done is stress....AND it gets worse. I went to mood today to get my fabric and the swatches that I picked out look a lot different in big quantities, and I HATED IT! The colors didn't work the way I wanted them to.. So I had to find new fabrics, I still don't love them, AT ALL and honestly I am doubting my design now and I just don't know what to do. PLUS I was flustered in mood and ending up not thinking perfectly and messed up on some of my yardage... Basically I am just falling apart haha. Did I mention it's been POURING all day, both yesterday and today so errands aren't fun.......
SO I did buy my fabric and I am just HOPING it turns out okay. The other fabric store I needed to stop at was closed so I tried a different one....closed too. SO I can't even buy the rest of the stuff I need to even start on anything tonight. So, another day gone, in relation to VALENTINO.
HOPEFULLY tomorrow my head will be screwed on a little tighter and I'll be able to work through all the little mishaps and get started on this gown. AND more importantly HOPEFULLY I like it............... ugh. It is just a little frustrating because we have to work harmoniously with a teacher and a critic on this gown so I feel like it isn't even completely ME anymore, I know they are just trying to help but.... It just gets a little annoying. EVERYONE has different taste, there is not one piece of clothing that everyone in the world will look at and like, and let me just say that my teacher and the critic are on COMPLETELY different sides of the spectrum when it comes to what they like. Trying to please two completely different people (because they both matter) who have completely opposite opinions PLUS trying to stay true to yourself is a bit nauseating. AND the idea that whoever is choosing the gowns will have a new completely different taste... it is just a big pile of opinions and guesses on who will get in... I wish it was like math, with one right answer...
Oh and.. I am trying a body cleanse this week to get all the junk out of my system from the weekend. Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, some Grains, and LOTS of water. (this was my lunch)
I LOVE FOOD, so it is a struggle for me. I mean I LOVE Veggies, Fruits, and Nuts and everything but I also love other food with it. I actually broke the cleanse slightly with this lovely dinner (I added some cottage cheese/yogurt). I figure as long as it is healthy it should be okay because I don't know how anyone does a legit cleanse for a whole week, personally I AM STARVING! So, I think I am going to gradually add healthy other foods into the cleanse.
And here is one of my snacks.. (I am posting pictures because that is my only motivation to keep going! If I wouldn't be proud of a picture, I am not going to eat it until next week!)
I think I am drinking too much water....haha I don't think my body has EVER had this much water in me before. BUT hopefully I will feel amazing come Saturday.
PS I am so excited for conference!!!!!
PPS I am so so so so so so sad I am missing my favorite holiday, EASTER! I want to be at home for this holiday so bad! The food, the hunt, everything. I am just so glad that I have conference to keep me company!
Jersey Trip Day #3
We woke up to hungry stomachs so we went to a famous little breakfast spot along the South Jersey Shore to satisfy our tummies.
We ordered 4 different breakfast meals for the 3 of us tiny girls. And guess what.... We finished every SINGLE bite! Go US, we are awesome. It was so SO yummy! I am so sad we didn't get a before and after shot... I hate when I miss opportunities. Oh well, it was delicious and that is all that matters. We had...
1)Croissant French Toast with Coconut and Bananas
2)White Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Pancakes, with creme and strawberries
3)Fluffy Perfect Pancakes with Maple Syrup
4)Eggs Benedict with Home Fries
We took a look at the Atlantic
Then went back to the beach house for some more bumming around on the couch... Oh how I miss couches! and places to watch movies and hang out with friends... GET ME OUT OF THIS DORM! after re-finding my love for the movie "Just Married" we decided it was time to head out. We took another walk on the shore but it was FREEZING and SO WINDY that it didn't last as long as we would have liked it too. Katie and I promise to come back in August when it is hot!
We made a pit stop @ WAWA on our way to Pitman for some ice cream and hot chocolate.
Dinner was @ Emily's house. Her parents cooked for us and they sure know how to make a meal. Her dad made his famous Crab Cakes, DELICIOUS!!!! and for those of you who don't know me... the ONLY seafood I eat is crab legs so this next statement is a shocker...they made salmon and I ate it......AND LOVED IT! YAHOO! I always try and try to like it because I know it is so good for me but, I never did, until now. See, I just simply need the East Coast! I love it!
Another pit stop at WAWA for treats for the way home... amazing cookies which are practically cookie dough, they are so so soft and amazing, brownies, pie, donuts, the most amazing cinn. bun thing, oh wow so heavenly, all of it. I LOVE SWEETS! We ate so much we were literally sick, but it was so worth it.
Our last stop on our way back to the train was at Rita's for its famous Water Ice. EVERYWHERE NEEDS A RITA'S! wow, so freaking delicious. Mango and Peach flavored Ice stuff with custard....no words can describe how tasty this treat is! I can't wait to have it again in August to cool me down when it is blazing hot!
Well... that ended our amazing adventure together, our food tour of happiness. It was the perfect trip! Thanks Emily and Katie! Now back to the city to work, work, work.
We woke up to hungry stomachs so we went to a famous little breakfast spot along the South Jersey Shore to satisfy our tummies.
We ordered 4 different breakfast meals for the 3 of us tiny girls. And guess what.... We finished every SINGLE bite! Go US, we are awesome. It was so SO yummy! I am so sad we didn't get a before and after shot... I hate when I miss opportunities. Oh well, it was delicious and that is all that matters. We had...
1)Croissant French Toast with Coconut and Bananas
2)White Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Pancakes, with creme and strawberries
3)Fluffy Perfect Pancakes with Maple Syrup
4)Eggs Benedict with Home Fries
We took a look at the Atlantic
Then went back to the beach house for some more bumming around on the couch... Oh how I miss couches! and places to watch movies and hang out with friends... GET ME OUT OF THIS DORM! after re-finding my love for the movie "Just Married" we decided it was time to head out. We took another walk on the shore but it was FREEZING and SO WINDY that it didn't last as long as we would have liked it too. Katie and I promise to come back in August when it is hot!
We made a pit stop @ WAWA on our way to Pitman for some ice cream and hot chocolate.
Dinner was @ Emily's house. Her parents cooked for us and they sure know how to make a meal. Her dad made his famous Crab Cakes, DELICIOUS!!!! and for those of you who don't know me... the ONLY seafood I eat is crab legs so this next statement is a shocker...they made salmon and I ate it......AND LOVED IT! YAHOO! I always try and try to like it because I know it is so good for me but, I never did, until now. See, I just simply need the East Coast! I love it!
Another pit stop at WAWA for treats for the way home... amazing cookies which are practically cookie dough, they are so so soft and amazing, brownies, pie, donuts, the most amazing cinn. bun thing, oh wow so heavenly, all of it. I LOVE SWEETS! We ate so much we were literally sick, but it was so worth it.
Our last stop on our way back to the train was at Rita's for its famous Water Ice. EVERYWHERE NEEDS A RITA'S! wow, so freaking delicious. Mango and Peach flavored Ice stuff with custard....no words can describe how tasty this treat is! I can't wait to have it again in August to cool me down when it is blazing hot!
Well... that ended our amazing adventure together, our food tour of happiness. It was the perfect trip! Thanks Emily and Katie! Now back to the city to work, work, work.
Jersey Trip Day #2
Woke up to a lovely breakfast at Dan's Bagels! Mmm.. we knew we had a big lunch coming up so we split our meal. We shared a French Toast Bagel with Caramel Apple creme cheese and an egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich on a cheddar bagel. So good! I wanted more but knew lunch would be amazing too!
We drove to Philly for lunch
Lunch #1. Legit Philly Cheese steaks from what Emily says is the best place in town. And yes I'd agree, they were delicious!!!! So so yummy. The bread was so soft and ah it was perfect.
We then drove down the street for Lunch #2. Crab Fries. Since french fries are my favorite food Emily picked out the best Fry place for me. These fries are special, they come with crab spices on them and we dip them in cheese. SO AMAZING. BUT what made this place even better was.... I ordered my favorite food, CRAB LEGS!!! I haven't had any on the East Coast yet and let me tell you... Red Lobster doesn't quite do it for me anymore... I will live on the East Coast just for fresh amazingly tender and delicious crab legs. I'd eat them everyday if I could! LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Then we walked a bit to Lunch #3. DESSERT! Italian dessert. Perfect dessert. We had Cannolis, which were the best I've ever tried, chocolate covered strawberries, Torrone, Tiramisu, and this amazing Cookie covered in raspberry jelly with a banana on it dipped in chocolate. HEAVENLY. It was all so very tasty!
By now we are happy and full. We then drove the hour to Atlantic City which is basically a clean and pretty Vegas, for some J.Crew outlet shopping. Good Clothes, Great Deals=Happy Day.
Emily's parents met us for dinner in Atlantic City, we went to this great Pub where we got to indulge in Atlantic City Bread. Yes, it is so good it gets its own name. It was so doughy and just so delicious. I enjoyed, one of my favorites, Spinach Ravioli. I even had some of Emily's muscles which I actually enjoyed! They were very good!
We tried to walk around the shops in Caesars Palace but it was too late, they were closed. We did manage some tourist pictures though!
After our long day we drove to Emily's beach house. We stopped first for some treats, because our goal was to eat anything and everything that we wanted! Emily introduced us to TASTYKAKE'S, apparently they are only in Jersey! They are light and fluffy, they practically melt in your mouth. SO GOOD. Since I can't do strictly sweets, I need my salty we got some popcorn to balance it all out. We fell asleep eating and watching....Clark Rockefeller. He is all over the subways here in NYC, we thought it was appropriate. GO LIFETIME movies.
Basically it was so so so nice to just ride in a car and let your mind wander, to not think about anything in particular and just enjoy life. Enjoy the space, the people, the thoughts, the music, the quiet, the experience, the beauty, the gratitude, the love that this world, and the people we surround ourselves with, has to offer.
Woke up to a lovely breakfast at Dan's Bagels! Mmm.. we knew we had a big lunch coming up so we split our meal. We shared a French Toast Bagel with Caramel Apple creme cheese and an egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich on a cheddar bagel. So good! I wanted more but knew lunch would be amazing too!
We drove to Philly for lunch
Lunch #1. Legit Philly Cheese steaks from what Emily says is the best place in town. And yes I'd agree, they were delicious!!!! So so yummy. The bread was so soft and ah it was perfect.
We then drove down the street for Lunch #2. Crab Fries. Since french fries are my favorite food Emily picked out the best Fry place for me. These fries are special, they come with crab spices on them and we dip them in cheese. SO AMAZING. BUT what made this place even better was.... I ordered my favorite food, CRAB LEGS!!! I haven't had any on the East Coast yet and let me tell you... Red Lobster doesn't quite do it for me anymore... I will live on the East Coast just for fresh amazingly tender and delicious crab legs. I'd eat them everyday if I could! LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Then we walked a bit to Lunch #3. DESSERT! Italian dessert. Perfect dessert. We had Cannolis, which were the best I've ever tried, chocolate covered strawberries, Torrone, Tiramisu, and this amazing Cookie covered in raspberry jelly with a banana on it dipped in chocolate. HEAVENLY. It was all so very tasty!
By now we are happy and full. We then drove the hour to Atlantic City which is basically a clean and pretty Vegas, for some J.Crew outlet shopping. Good Clothes, Great Deals=Happy Day.
Emily's parents met us for dinner in Atlantic City, we went to this great Pub where we got to indulge in Atlantic City Bread. Yes, it is so good it gets its own name. It was so doughy and just so delicious. I enjoyed, one of my favorites, Spinach Ravioli. I even had some of Emily's muscles which I actually enjoyed! They were very good!
We tried to walk around the shops in Caesars Palace but it was too late, they were closed. We did manage some tourist pictures though!
After our long day we drove to Emily's beach house. We stopped first for some treats, because our goal was to eat anything and everything that we wanted! Emily introduced us to TASTYKAKE'S, apparently they are only in Jersey! They are light and fluffy, they practically melt in your mouth. SO GOOD. Since I can't do strictly sweets, I need my salty we got some popcorn to balance it all out. We fell asleep eating and watching....Clark Rockefeller. He is all over the subways here in NYC, we thought it was appropriate. GO LIFETIME movies.
Basically it was so so so nice to just ride in a car and let your mind wander, to not think about anything in particular and just enjoy life. Enjoy the space, the people, the thoughts, the music, the quiet, the experience, the beauty, the gratitude, the love that this world, and the people we surround ourselves with, has to offer.
Monday, March 29, 2010
What a lovely lovely weekend!!!! It was perfect, EVERYTHING I could have hoped it to be. Emily and Katie are AMAZING, I am so so so so incredibly grateful they are in my life. They are perfect friends, we go well together, and we love it! They are so much fun, a whole bundle of laughs. That is all we do LAUGH. laugh and eat. Basically it was a Jersey Food Tour.
We headed to the train at 5 and enjoyed the pleasant 1 1/2 hour ride to New Jersey! We then drove about 45 minutes to Emily's House in Pitman, New Jersey. YAY! Her house is adorable and her family is so sweet!!!
After seeing a bit of Pitman we headed to Philidelphia! Only about 20 minutes away from Emily's house. PHILLY!!!
and let me tell you, Philly knows how to do breakfast for dinner! I had caramelized creme cheese filled french toast with vanilla bean syrup. A-MAZ-ING!
After dinner we got a treat from WAWA, the best place on earth, a mint chocolate chip milkshake... MMmm.
Then we came back to Emily's and watched TITANIC. I forgot how great that movie is! GO LEO! We love him. It was a wonderful first day.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Let's see...nothing too exciting happened this week really....
I did have a heroes party with Katie... Pictures to come
It is FINALLY spring break! I am leaving for Jersey for the weekend with Katie and Emily. which means there will be some good food pictures and blog post coming soon.
I got a letter from my best friend Elder Wilkins. Letter Mondays. My favorite type of day!
Isaac Mizrahi (many will know his name from his Target brand) spoke to my class on Monday, he is hilarious! Loved it.
I went 3 WHOLE days without sweets/sugar! (worst days of my life haha)
I get to start sewing and hopefully get close to finishing my Valentino exhibition gown over break
So hopefully I'll have some good posts next week!
I did have a heroes party with Katie... Pictures to come
It is FINALLY spring break! I am leaving for Jersey for the weekend with Katie and Emily. which means there will be some good food pictures and blog post coming soon.
I got a letter from my best friend Elder Wilkins. Letter Mondays. My favorite type of day!
Isaac Mizrahi (many will know his name from his Target brand) spoke to my class on Monday, he is hilarious! Loved it.
I went 3 WHOLE days without sweets/sugar! (worst days of my life haha)
I get to start sewing and hopefully get close to finishing my Valentino exhibition gown over break
So hopefully I'll have some good posts next week!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Yay, the first day of spring and it sure felt like it, I can not believe it is already the middle/end of MARCH! Time is simply FLYING by.
I'd just like to say that on this BEAUTIFUL day, 70 degrees, I was outside continually for about 6 hours! Minus the little time spent in Pinkberry (with Carrie) and out to eat at our (meaning Emily and Katie) favorite French restaurant which was delicious as always. I walked about 3 or so miles. Over the whole city! It was amazing. I sat in the park and did some homework and then ended the night watching heroes. I'd say it was an excellent day! AND this weather can stay FOREVER!
I'd just like to say that on this BEAUTIFUL day, 70 degrees, I was outside continually for about 6 hours! Minus the little time spent in Pinkberry (with Carrie) and out to eat at our (meaning Emily and Katie) favorite French restaurant which was delicious as always. I walked about 3 or so miles. Over the whole city! It was amazing. I sat in the park and did some homework and then ended the night watching heroes. I'd say it was an excellent day! AND this weather can stay FOREVER!
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