Tuesday, March 30, 2010


every high must be followed by a low right????

well my WORK WORK WORK... is not going well.... AT ALL..............

and I am not liking it, but... I am the one being lazy so it is completely my fault and yet, even though I need to work... I don't. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that there is no motivation because who on earth does work during spring break. Everyone else in my class is home, enjoying their friends and family... and I am here in my room, enjoying my cozy bed that I never want to leave.

Okay okay I am not quite that lazy.. I ran a lot of errands yesterday (grocery shopping, getting Elder Wilkins his Easter goodies package ready) and cleaned my whole dorm but the bottom line is... I haven't done anything on my gown... NOTHING. The only thing I have done is stress....AND it gets worse. I went to mood today to get my fabric and the swatches that I picked out look a lot different in big quantities, and I HATED IT! The colors didn't work the way I wanted them to.. So I had to find new fabrics, I still don't love them, AT ALL and honestly I am doubting my design now and I just don't know what to do. PLUS I was flustered in mood and ending up not thinking perfectly and messed up on some of my yardage... Basically I am just falling apart haha. Did I mention it's been POURING all day, both yesterday and today so errands aren't fun.......

SO I did buy my fabric and I am just HOPING it turns out okay. The other fabric store I needed to stop at was closed so I tried a different one....closed too. SO I can't even buy the rest of the stuff I need to even start on anything tonight. So, another day gone, in relation to VALENTINO.

HOPEFULLY tomorrow my head will be screwed on a little tighter and I'll be able to work through all the little mishaps and get started on this gown. AND more importantly HOPEFULLY I like it............... ugh. It is just a little frustrating because we have to work harmoniously with a teacher and a critic on this gown so I feel like it isn't even completely ME anymore, I know they are just trying to help but.... It just gets a little annoying. EVERYONE has different taste, there is not one piece of clothing that everyone in the world will look at and like, and let me just say that my teacher and the critic are on COMPLETELY different sides of the spectrum when it comes to what they like. Trying to please two completely different people (because they both matter) who have completely opposite opinions PLUS trying to stay true to yourself is a bit nauseating. AND the idea that whoever is choosing the gowns will have a new completely different taste... it is just a big pile of opinions and guesses on who will get in... I wish it was like math, with one right answer...

Oh and.. I am trying a body cleanse this week to get all the junk out of my system from the weekend. Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, some Grains, and LOTS of water. (this was my lunch)

I LOVE FOOD, so it is a struggle for me. I mean I LOVE Veggies, Fruits, and Nuts and everything but I also love other food with it. I actually broke the cleanse slightly with this lovely dinner (I added some cottage cheese/yogurt). I figure as long as it is healthy it should be okay because I don't know how anyone does a legit cleanse for a whole week, personally I AM STARVING! So, I think I am going to gradually add healthy other foods into the cleanse.

And here is one of my snacks.. (I am posting pictures because that is my only motivation to keep going! If I wouldn't be proud of a picture, I am not going to eat it until next week!)

I think I am drinking too much water....haha I don't think my body has EVER had this much water in me before. BUT hopefully I will feel amazing come Saturday.

PS I am so excited for conference!!!!!
PPS I am so so so so so so sad I am missing my favorite holiday, EASTER! I want to be at home for this holiday so bad! The food, the hunt, everything. I am just so glad that I have conference to keep me company!

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