Monday, May 31, 2010


It has been such a crazy last month. When I think about what I have put my body though it is no wonder that I feel like a major crash is coming on. 17 days and it can. I will welcome it. 

You all know how my last couple weeks... who am I kidding this whole semester, has gone in relation to stress and sleeping/eating habits and this week just added to it. I will admit I loved almost every minute of this semester, but I am so ready for a nice break where all I do is sleep, eat well,  lay by the pool, read, workout, and make some headbands.

Some goals for summer:
I want to be tanner and blonder (by sun) then ever before, because I can. I have always had dance, work, or school in past summers but my two months home I will be by the pool everyday if possible. I will workout 2 times a day, a hard one (P90X) with my dad and then a small one made of simpler exercises. I will cook a healthy dinner for my family 4-5 times a week and will have no limitations or restrictions but will focus on eating very healthy! I will feel good about myself and pretty again, that is my goal because there is a serious lack of that going on and it is not good or fun. I will relax and enjoy not having deadlines, assignments etc. I AM SO EXCITED! 

This weekend was great (guest post by Talyn Camp to come). I did more walking in the past week then I think I have done in my whole life. I started the week showing my parents around, then I started my Study Abroad where we walk all over town. This weekend I left at 8 and came back between 8-11 every night and all day I was out walking, either shopping or being out and about with Talyn. It was SO MUCH FUN! But I am exhausted. I have most of the day to rest tomorrow before I leave for Europe. I hope I am able to get caught up on sleep so I am well rested for my TRIP!!!!

Thank you New York City for being so good to me! Europe here I come!

P.S. I love cheese! My SA (study abroad) teacher brings us cheese and crackers everyday and it is always AMAZING. This is coming from a girl who HATED cheese for the longest time. But honestly good cheese is one of my new favorite things!

P.P.S Do not think that laying out for only ONE hour with a little sunscreen exempts you from getting burnt. Because that is a LIE. I got so FRIED today and it hurts SO BAD. I think if you could die from a sun burn... I would be dead, I have never seen more bright pink in my life. It was ONLY an hour!! sad day. I am usually SO careful because I don't tan easily so I have learned how to avoid burning but apparently that didn't work so well today. My poor skin.

P.P.P.S. I really did not intend all of this to come out on this blog post. Throughout the day I think of so many things I want to write, then they all disappear when I start to write and all this comes out.... I wish my brain worked perfectly and always thought the right things at the right/convenient time, but I think my brain is tired, and so am I.

Sweet Dreams.

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